Prof. Dr. Peter May

b. 1958 | Lawyer
Peter May


Peter May is an honorary professor at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management in Vallendar and has taught at various universities in Germany and abroad. From 2008 to 2009, he held the Wild Group Chair of Family Business at IMD in Lausanne. Early on, he called for an independent business administration for family businesses and developed important concepts for advising family businesses and business families with the INTES principle, the 3-dimension model, the owner strategy and the family constitution, which he combined with the MAY method to create a holistic consulting concept.

He has also launched numerous initiatives for family businesses. The world's first governance code for family businesses (2004 in Germany and 2005 in Austria) can be traced back to his initiative, as can the Family Entrepreneur of the Year award (since 2004), the FBN Germany business association (since 2000) and the Institute for Family Business at WHU.

Peter May is also the author and editor of numerous publications on the subject of family businesses. His standard works ‘Erfolgsmodell Familienunternehmen’ and ‘Die Inhaberstrategie im Familienunternehmen - Eine Anleitung’ have been translated into various languages.

Peter May's work focuses on providing long-term personal support to owner families (including advisory and supervisory board activities) as well as taking on particularly difficult and exciting projects.

His guiding principle is: “Family businesses are my passion. I am happy that I can combine this passion with my inclination to pass on knowledge and experience and turn my vocation into a profession. I love my work and everything that is connected with it.”